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Big sets


Big sets

Name the workout and the event

Monday 4/30/18

Bench press
Bent over row (8L/8R)5×8
*Pick a weight and do that for all 5 sets of 8
For time:
Run 800m
20 Muscle ups or 60 Pullups
Run 800m
*Go for broke on muscle ups/pullups. Start with a max set and see what happens. Can you do it unbroken?

General fitness

Bench press
Bent over row (8L/8R)
Run 800m
60 renegade rows
Run 800m

Making a small change on the t-shirt. Once artwork is finished we will post it. Extending the deadline to next Friday. Sorry for delay

Dark chocolate is good

6 reasons to say no to the news

 Muscle up inspiration 

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