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Happy birthday/ Great job Alan!


Happy birthday/ Great job Alan!

Alan secretly competed at NorCal masters this weekend. He trained his butt off and was awesome! Great job Alan!

Happy birthday to my first wife. Sorry ladies he’s officially taken!

Monday 1/29/18

W/a partner:
AMRAP 6 min:
Alternate rounds
30 Double unders
10 Jumping lunges
Bulgarian split squat
4×16 (8L/8R)
*Use a heavier weight than you did last week
AMRAP 16 min:
Single arm DB push press (50/35)
*10 Box jump overs (30/24) after each round
**Continue as high as you can in 16 min. Split push press up between arms however you wish

General fitness

W/a partner:
AMRAP 6 min:
Alternate rounds
30 Double unders
10 Jumping lunges
Bulgarian split squat
4×16 (8L/8R)
AMRAP 15 min:
Single arm DB push press
*20 lateral jumps over DB after each round

Link between sugar and Alzheimers 

Doctor feels good 

Some serious broness going on here 

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