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Ab pump


Ab pump

Monday 7/23/18

Bench press
*In between sets perform max effort L-sit
In teams of 3:
Rotate every 20 Wallballs (20/14)
*During your rest break you must complete 10,8,6,4,2,2,2….hang power cleans. Increase in weight with each set of hang cleans
**Partner A does 20 wallballs. Then B completes 20 wallballs and A does their hang cleans. C does 20 wallballs, B does cleans, A rests. Continue pattern for 20 min.

General fitness

Bench press
*In between sets perform 10 parallette leg raises
AMRAP 20 min:
20 Wallballs
10 Hang power cleans
Rest 30 seconds

Don’t forget about the gymnastics seminar coming up on August 11th. Only 20 spots available and several people have signed up already. Get your gymnasty on! 

Designer babies on the horizon 

Can Flowkowski do the 30 muscle ups unbroken? 

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