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5 year shirts


5 year shirts

Friday 9/15/17

One ring to rule them all
In teams of 2:
For time:
60 Hang power cleans (165/115)
60 Burpees
90 Front squat (145/100)
90 Weighted situp (45/25) or GHD situp
120 Shoulder to overhead (115/75)
120 Toes to bar

General fitness

In teams of 2:
120 DB hang power cleans
60 Burpees
120 DB front squats
90 Situps
120 DB push press
120 Hollow rocks

Orders for 5th anniversary shirt must be in by the 26th! Don’t be that guy as usual. Same styles and brand as out last T and tank order. 30% cotton 20% Valyrian steel 28% dragon glass 50% Mithril. CLICK HERE TO ORDER SOME

That RP is so hot right now

Taking it waaaayyy back

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