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Tuesday 10/29/19
EMOM 10 min:
3 Front squat (135/95)
3 Thrusters (135/95)
3 Push press (135/95)
5 rounds:
2 min: 500/400m row
2 min: 6 Power cleans (135/95) + 12 Wallballs (30/20)
*You have 2 min to complete the work. Rest the remainder of the 2 min if you have time left over

Danville 60

EMOM 10 min:
3 DB front squat
3 DB thruster
3 DB push press
*Heaviest possible
AMRAP 20 min:
Run 400m
6 DB power cleans
12 Wallball

Grandma does CrossFit

Pay the man

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