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100 burpees a day


100 burpees a day

Monday 11/19/19

Bulgarian split squat
Single arm DB press
5×8 (8L/8R)
*Alternate movements for 5 sets of each. Use the heavies DBs possible
10 rounds for time:
5 DB hang squat clean thruster L (50/35)
5 DB hang squat clean thruster R (50/35)
10 Burpees

Danville 60

Bulgarian split squat
Single arm DB press
5×8 (8L/8R)
*Alternate movements for 5 sets of each. Use the heavies DBs possible
10 rounds for time:
5 DB hang squat clean thruster L
5 DB hang squat clean thruster R
10 Burpees

CrossFit is cool. Training with MS

Dballs for the win

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