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Where’s the secret service


Where’s the secret service


Hes pretty good and stuff

Friday 6/6/14

Alternating min for 10 min:
1 min: 20 situps
1 min: 10 Good mornings (45)
Alt min for 12 min:
1 min: 8 unbroken pullups (hardest you can perform, strict/kip/c2b/bar mu)
1 min: max strict press (95/65)
In teams of 2:
For time:
Row 50 calories
10 Rope climbs
300m Farmers walk (53/35)
100m Double KB overhead walking lunge (53/35)
60 Partner burpees (partner holds plank)
*20 min limit

7 mental traits of a great CrossFit athlete 

What really motivates CrossFit haters 

This is by far the most political thing I have ever posted on the blog. Does the president even lift???

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