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What’s a thruster?


What’s a thruster?


Brooklyn and Tatum practicing their tripod position. I bet they are good at kipping

Wednesday 12/30/15
GHD intro/review
GHD sit up
*A majority of you have never done these or its been a very long time so we will be performing these by going only parallel to the ground. If you are experience, do these at least once a week, you may add reps or a med ball. Otherwise DO NOT do more than 30 and DO NOT go past parallel. Ask your coaches what happens if you do too many before you’re ready
**While you are waiting your turn on the GHD perform 3×20 Good mornings
10 rounds for time:
10 KB swings (70/53)
10 Burpee box jumps

A REMINDER. New Years eve our last class will be 4:30. New years day we will be offering 9:30am only and yes its Murph

2 numbers that will make you a better rower. All about that stroke rate bro

The psychology behind Costco’s free samples. If you stop your cart in the middle of the isle to wait for a free sample of humus, we will no longer be friends

This one is also pretty good! LOL clueless cutie, sandbag sally, postworkout-pig, and rep cheater are my favorites. Which one are you?

Notice his knees when he comes up

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