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This ones for the ladies


This ones for the ladies

Adam gets some redemption on Fran and PRs by almost 3 min! Same recovery position though....

Adam gets some redemption on Fran and PRs by almost 3 min! Same recovery position though….

Wednesday 4/17/13
Establish a 1RM clean and jerk
Clean and jerk

Ask coach:Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets. If your weight is too heavy and miss an unbroken set, drop the weight and do-over unbroken. If you go to light this will be REALLY easy and you will want to “do something else”. Challenge yourself, go heavy, you should almost not bet making your set reps

Dont forget to sign up for your T-shirt/tank top by tomorrow(Wednesday) we are putting in the order

Sarah is starting another Paleo program for us at CFD. The goal of the class is to learn about paleo and how to implement it into your everyday lifestyle. It is not the detox that we did at the start of the year. Meetings will be Tuesday nights at 7:30 in the class room with optional field trips on weeks 3 and 4. If you are interested in signing up CLICK THIS LINK AND PUT YOUR INFO IN. YOU MUST PAY JOE OR MYSELF NO LATER THAN THE 19TH IF YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE, SARAH WILL BEAT YOU UP IF YOU DONT. Let us know if you have any questions. 

20 tips that will make you better at olympic weightlifting

Rippetoe throws down

Why women should not run 

This ones for the ladies

Demo of Gwen

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