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Thanks everybody!


Thanks everybody!


Extra thanks to these guys and my life manager T!

Tuesday 5/26/16
Establish a 5RM thruster
AMRAP 20 min:
5 Double KB thrusters (53/35)
10 Box jump overs
15 Burpees

The truth about poo

California individual report day 3

Finally home from a loooooooong drive. Just wanted to say a BIG thank you to the whole CFD community for all the texts/instas/facebooks/ravens over the weekend. It means a lot so thank you. An even bigger thanks to the brave souls who made the pilgrimage down to SD to make up the CFD cheering section! These guys did their job and then some, as usual the CFD cheering section got more coverage and is more well known than I am, CFD is the best gym around and everyone else is just jelly.

One of my main goals was to finish withing the top 20 so it stings a little bit to finish 21 but another goal was to stay top 10 out of NorCal dudes so at least I managed that. Im never happy with my performance and I always seem to mess at least 1 thing up so thats pretty frustrating for me but oh well. I/CFD am lucky to have a great support crew at every event. Thanks so much to every person that helps me everyday just so I can be kinda good at exercising…..2 biggest takeaways from this weekend. 1, I’m pretty good at rope climbs. 2, I will forever be know as the “normal looking dude” that “walked in off the street” and is very “unassuming” in the CrossFit world. 

Thanks again!

PS, I am aware that the previous 2 paragraphs are probably grammatically incorrect 

Sorry in advance to anyone that works out with me, things are gonna get stepped up a notch….you know who you are

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