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See what I did there?


See what I did there?


Will the sleds be making a return for the final WOD???

Friday 1/9/15

Establish a 1RM shoulder press+1RM push press
*Once you hit failure on the strict press switch over to push press
In teams of 2:
Against a 20 min clock:
Partner A performs
Thrusters (95/65)
then partner B performs
Thrusters (95/65)
In remaining time perform max rounds of
20 Wallballs (20/15)
20 KB swings (53/35)
20 Burpees
*If you know for a fact that it will take you most of the 20 min to finish youre 21-15-9 then you may cut the reps down to 15-12-9 or 12-9-6

We are looking for 1 person interested in doing this weekends comp in the scaled division. Christy Weeks partner has a scheduling conflict and needs a partner! Please let Joe or myself know ASAP!

Also if you have not yet put in your 60 bucks please do so ASAP. Several teams have still not paid up.

Info for this Saturday. We will be running 4 heats for each WOD and 1 heat for the final WOD. First heat will start at 9am and we are scheduled to be finished with WOD #3 at 1:05 and hopefully done with the finals by 2/2:30. Heats will be posted on tomorrow nights blog. 

Here are a couple things to keep in mind:
*Be here early!
*Beefing for the workouts will start at 8:30
*If you are judging please be here before 8:30
*First WOD starts at 9 with our without you
*Heats will be tight so you cannot “wait and do the next heat”
*Open gym are will be used as warm up area
*You will be basically doing 1 workout every hour so bring lots of snacks that you can eat quickly. Bring more food and water than you think you need
*Have fun!

Why are CrossFit gyms so expensive?

Where do trainers go to die? 

These are some fast Helen times!

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