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Olympic lifting and Paleo= good Sunday


Olympic lifting and Paleo= good Sunday

Lift heavy weights fast and repeat. Llya Llin, google his bad assness

Sunday 10/14/12
5 rounds:
5 reps
1 rep= Snatch grip push press+ overhead squat
for time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pullups

Coaches corner: For the push press overhead squat the goal it to use as heavy a weight possible for all 5 sets.

Tomorrow will be Sarahs second personalized paleo class. Naomi is back this weekend so it will start with a half hour of yoga at 11am followed by lecture with Sarah at 11:30. Hope you all did your homework. 

Also tomorrow will be our first Sunday lifting session with Dave and Adam. You will be snatching cleaning,  jerking and squatting so plan on being at the gym for an hour and a half or so

How exercise friendly is your body?

What your breath reveals 

For some reason I think this is awesome and hilarious!

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