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Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


If you every feel bad about your running abilities just remember that Rich Froning had to walk during the running event at the games

Wednesday 4/20/16
3 rounds each for time:
Row 500m
Run 400m
*Rest as needed between sets to make sure that these are max effort
**Go hard on the row and survive on the run. Don’t game it to save a lot of juice to run. The idea is to get better at running when you are red lined
3 Rounds for time:
30 KB taters (53/35)
20 Chest to bar pullups
10 Strict handstand pushups
+ (If time or after class)
3×20 Hip extensions

Would you survive game of thrones? 

41 Paleo breakfast recipes that aren’t eggs  

Aerobic training for CrossFit. This is good but do you have it between the ears???

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