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Its funny because its true


Its funny because its true

These are on sale right now. You can get it by monday for Murph!

Friday 5/25/18
W/ a partner
AMRAP 8 min:
100 Situps
100 Good mornings
In teams of 2:
For time:
Burpee box jump overs (24/20)
Double KB front squats (53/35)(each hand)
Double KB clean and jerks (53/35)(each hand)

General fitness

W/ a partner
AMRAP 8 min:
100 Situps
100 Good mornings
In teams of 2:
AMRAP 20 min:
50 Burpees
50 Double DB front squats
50 Double Db clean and jerks

Memorial day in on Monday. As usual we will be doing 1 class at 9:30 and closed for the rest of the day. Enjoy your long weekend! Yes the workout is Murph 

CrossFit athletes prepare to honor Lt. Michael Murphy with hundreds of Quarter squats, half pushups

This is pretty crazy 

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