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Good job V!


Good job V!


Great job to Veronica! She finished with a 159kg total in her first and not last weightlifting meet!!

Monday 11/2/14
EMOM 10 min:
1 min: 15 situps
1 min: 10 perfect pushups+ 15 walking lunges
Every 10 min for 30 min:
Run 800m
30 KB swings (70/53)
30 Wallballs (20/14)
30 Box jumps overs (24/20)
*A new round starts every 10 min. The goal is to finish each round under 10 min. If that is not possible try 20/20/20 or 10/10/10


Everyone has had some great PRs this cycle. I’m pretty happy with the numbers being put up. It looks like everyone is getting comfortable in the bottom of the squat  and that is carrying over to the clean….like its supposed to.Finally your full clean numbers are bigger than power clean numbers. The next cycle will start next week, we will test a couple more things this week but our lifting will be lighter this week. One thing I really want to focus on for the next cycle is lifting our arms over our head. For the most part we are not good/super sketch whenever we have to lift/hold a bar over our head. Sooooooo expect lots of overhead stuff coming up

Want a bigger jerk? 

Plants can tell when the’re being eaten 

Check out the new Wade Lee joint from Frankenwod! Great job to everyone who competed!!

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