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Pops has done 0 deadlifts in the past 6+ months and ties his PR today with 385!

Pops has done 0 deadlifts in the past 6+ months and ties his PR today with 385!

Saturday 4/6/13
AMRAP 20 min:
15 Thrusters (100/65)
15 Chest to bar pullups

8 ways to cultivate healthy integrity

Sorry I forgot to get this up last night. Sign up for your heats this weekend! Its the last one so give it everything you got!!! We are super proud of everybodys efforts so far. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR YOUR HEAT. 

The Gilstraps were nice enough to let us take over their house this weekend. Our open wrap up party will be this Sunday at 12:30. Its going to be a potluck so bring your fave/best dish to share with everybody. WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE everyone that who suffered through the open to come and celebrate it being over! For more info please contact Joe or myself. Ill get you guys the address tomorrow and Sunday at the gym. Hope everyone can make it!

Sooooo I’ve watched a bunch of you guys do this one already and here is some tips that may help you. If you have a Fran that is well over 4 min or you really struggle with C2B pullups, you should approach this as a 4 min sprint with just like you would regular Fran. If the C2B is going to be your problem the break them up early and often, triples, double or singles and just keep chugging and try to get to the third round of thrusters. If you want to get into the 8 min round then you cant kill yourself early. Dont get caught up in going super fast on your first round, control your breathing on the thrusters and break up the C2B into 5s or 8/7. Dropping the thrusters more than once or breaking the pullups into small sets (under 4) will be too slow. Then if you get into the ‘bonus’ 4 min, hold on and get as many reps as you can any way you can. Also try not to die. Good luck guys.

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