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For the love of Fran!


For the love of Fran!

Soooooooo this happened today!

Soooooooo this happened today!

Thursday 4/4/13
Spend 15 min working on Muscle ups or/ chest to bar pullups
Front squat
4@50 3@70 2@85 3×2@95%
AMRAP 10 min:
30 Double unders
20 KB goblet squats (53/35)
10 Toes to bar

*goal is everything unbroken

A little inspiration goes a long way 

Physical fitness of young chess players 

Here is is guys its finally coming to an end. 13.5 is basically death by Fran. Whos getting into the 16 mins????

So the end is here! To celebrate the finishing of CFDs first open we wanted to have a get together this weekend! Its up to you guys as to what to do, we can either have a potluck after all the heats are over or we can all meet somewhere. Also what day works better, Saturday or Sunday or both??? Let us know ASAP

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