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Excuses are like….


Excuses are like….


Can you get 100+???

Friday 11/7/14
W/a partner:
AMRAP 10 min:
1 Clean and jerk (205/135)
In teams of 2:
Every 2 min for as long as possible
2 Rope climbs
2 Front squats (165/110)
*Rope climbs stay the same each round, front squats go up by 2. First round 2 squats, 2nd 4, 3rd 6 and so on until you cannot complete the set number of squats. If you fall off pace within the first 10 min, turn it into a 20 min amrap

Dont forget pizza/movie night is this saturday at 5 and 8!!!

5 excuses keeping you from becoming a better crossfitter 

6 truths about exercising no one wants to hear 

Who’s going this weekend???

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