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Baseball Ts


Baseball Ts

Tuesday 4/25/17

W/a partner
Max situps in 7 min:
Partner A 30 situps
Partner B holds top of pushp
*switch after situps
7 rounds:
30 seconds max reps strict pullup
30 seocnds rest
30 seconds max reps DB bench press
30 seconds rest
For time:
50 Medball clean (20/14)
25 Push jerks (155/105)
50 Medball cleans (20/14)

General Fitness WOD
Max situps in 7 min
Partner A 30 situps
Partner B plank hold
*switch after situps
7 rounds:
30 seconds max reps ring row
30 seconds rest
30 seconds max reps hand release pushups
30 seconds rest
For time:
50 medball clean
50 DB push press
50 medball clean

New gear at CFD. 3/4 Ts are here! $30 each. Orders are due by Friday. Dont be that guy. CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOUR STUFF!

Athletic options for kids who have no interest in traditional team sports. Cough….CrossFit….Cough

Good youtube channel if you like watching CrossFit peeps workout

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