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And then a miracle occurs


And then a miracle occurs

Its been a while

Sunday 9/30/18

Snatch warmup
Hang power snatch
*Let technique dictate load
AMRAP 15 min:
10 Single arm DB hang clean and jerks (50/35)(5L/5R)
8 Toes to bar
30 Double unders

General fitness

5 sets of the following complex
5 DB deadlift
5 DB hang power clean
5 DB front squats
5 DB push jerks
*increase over each set
AMRAP 15 min:
10 Single arm DB hang clean and jerk
10 V-ups
10 Burpees

Barbells for Boobs October 20th! Sign up for an account!

Hat shirt and hoodie pre orders are due by Monday! You have 2 days left! Don’t delay!!!

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