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Good luck Nicole!


Good luck Nicole!

Good luck Nicole! Remember..hook grip saves lives

Tuesday 8/15/17

4 rounds for max reps of each exercise
Max reps bench press (BW/.70% BW)
1 Min max calorie row
Rest as needed between efforts
AMRAP 10 min:
15 Deadlifts (135/95)
30 Double unders

General fitness

4 rounds:
Max reps DB bench press
1 MIn max reps ring rows
AMRAP 10 min:
15 DB deadlifts
30 Lateral jumps over DB

Noon class

EMOM 12 min:
1 min max reps bench press (BW/.70% BW)
1 min max calorie row
1 min rest
AMRAP 10 min:
15 Deadlifts (135/95)
30 Double unders

Good luck to Nicole on day 2 of her competition. Based on her open scores she got invited to compete in the 2-17 World police and fire games! She is secretly competing yesterday and today. Please wish her some luck. Info about the event can be found here

Aziz Ansari on quitting the internet 

One of the cooler workouts from the games

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