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Thats something an idiot would put on their luggage


Thats something an idiot would put on their luggage

Friday 4/3/20

Every 90 secondsx10
10 Deadlifts
*Heavier than last week if you have enough weight. If not then perform 15 deadlifts while standing on a deficit. If you have no weights or DBs or Kbs, try to find a bungee cord. It can be use as some resistance and do 20 reps
In teams of 2:
Alternate full round for 20 min:
15 Thrusters (75/55)
15 Box jump overs (24/20)
*During your “rest” complete 8 burpees. If you have a partner at home do it with then do that. If not you can join a zoom class and have a virtual partner. Last week it went shockingly well. If you want to do it by yourself so 15 thrusters, 15 box jump overs, and 10 burpees as a 20 min amrap
Barbell-complete as written
Dumbbells-use 1 DB and hold one end in each hand
KB- both hands on handle to perform thrusters
NO EQUIPMENT- stick jumps

DV45 (Glam Friday)
EMOM 8 min:
10 situps + Max reps bicep curls with band or bungee cord
EMOM 8 min:
10 Bent over rows + Max reps pushups (use a band or bungee cord or light DBs)
EMOM 8 min:
6 Burpees + max reps pushups
EMOM 8 min:
3 devils press + max reps thrusters
EMOM 8 min:
10 Hollow rocks + max reps situs

If you would like a different workout or one special for the equipment you have please do not hesitate to text me. Ive been getting a lot so its no problem. My number is 924-785-2578. Keep doing your home wods and posting them on the social medias. Everyone loves seeing their gym friends even if its just a clip on insta! Stay active stay sane! 

Zoom classes at 10am and 4:30pm everyday for the duration of this shelter at home period. Download the app and join the fun. Even if you want to just watch and chat with friends for a couple minutes! 
Meeting code is 

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