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You pood?


You pood?

Sunday 12/1/19

EMOM 12 min:
1 min: Turkish getups
1 min: KB windmill
*Use the heaviest KB possible and try to move consistently for the entire minute. Alternate arms each round. First round should be 1 min of get ups and windmills all on left arm. Second round is all right.
5 rounds:
2 min clock:
15 Burpees + Max reps ring dips
2 min: clock:
20 Box jump overs (24/20)+ Max reps pullups

Danville 60

EMOM 12 min:
1 min: Turkish getups
1 min: KB windmill
*Use the heaviest KB possible and try to move consistently for the entire minute. Alternate arms each round. First round should be 1 min of get ups and windmills all on left arm. Second round is all right.

5 roudns:
2 min clock:
15 Burpees + Max reps pushups
2 min clock:
20 Parllette jump overs + Max reps situps

Hinge at the hip but dont forget about the internal and external rotation in the shoulder

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