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That was directed at most of the CF population


That was directed at most of the CF population

Thanks Wade for the new fancy whiteboard!

Thanks Wade for the new fancy whiteboard!

Tuesday 3/26/13
Every 6 min for 18 min
Run 800m
Rest the remainder
10 Rounds:
1 min clock:
Push press to push jerk to split jerk (185/115)
Max reps strict pullup
Rest 30 sec

Saw this today and made me smile/ laugh a little. In regards to why we have been doing mainly all full cleans and snatches and not the power version. 

“The Power Snatch is half the movement. It gives someone with a shitty pull and a shitty finish, the ability to continue to be shitty at Snatching, while moving a relatively heavy load to overhead with the shittiest, most useless possible technique. It allows under-developed lifters to feel good about themselves, while remaining under-developed, and only practicing the pulling portion of the lift. My best lifters—at the Snatch—look the exact same with an empty barbell as they do with 150kg. The Power Snatch is good for de-loading, or practicing the pull, but it should never be a lifters default choice.” – Glenn Pendlay

Kids who exercise are less likely to have fractures in old age

Custom CFD leaderboard after week 3. Hows it looking?

No idea what he is saying but a rap/weightlifting video is definitely website worthy

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