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That new new


That new new

Tuesday 9/25/18

EMOM 16 min:
1 min: 40 seconds hollow rocks
1 min: 5 Strict weighted pullups
*Choose a challenging weight that still allows for 5
In teams of 2:
AMRAP 20 min:
5 Single arm DB power cleans L (70/50)
5 Single arm DB power cleans R (70/50)
10 Box jump overs (24/20)
*Alternate full rounds with your partner

General fitness

EMOM 16 min:
1 min: 40 seconds hollow rocks
1 min: 3 Pullup negatives
AMRAP 20 min:
5 Single arm DB power cleans L
5 SIngle arm DB power cleans R
10 Box step ups
Rest 1 min

CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOUR NEW GEAR! Pre orders are up until Monday 10/1. Get them in and don’t be that guy! Each one is 100% Mithril this time around. Hats $25, hoodies $48, long sleeve $35. 1 of each $100

Ill play the song if you want the extra challenge 

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