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Synchronized burpees= fan favorite


Synchronized burpees= fan favorite


Monday 1/11/15

Kipping handstand pushup practice
In 8 min:
Alternate back and forth
4 Unbroken kipping hspu
4 Unbroken kipping chest to bar
*goal is perfect reps each set not rounds
AMRAP 20 min:
Max unbroken wallballs (20/14)
Run 200m
*How long can you hold on? Do you have 150??? Don’t game it go for broke on the first set

WOD #2 for battle for bragging rights is….
For time:
6 Rope climbs (3 each)
100 Double unders (50 each)
6 Rope climbs (3 each)
40 Toes to bar (20 each)
6 Rope climbs (3 each )
40 Handstand pushups (20 each)
6 Rope climbs (3 each)
50 synchronized burpees
20 min time cap

4 Rope climbs (2 each)
100 Hurdle jumps (50 each)
4 Rope climbs (2 each)
30 Toes to bar (15 each)
4 Rope climbs (2 each)
30 Strict press (95/65) (15 each)
4 Rope climbs (2 each)
50 synchronized burpees
20 min time cap
If you cannot complete all the reps under 20 min your score will be total reps completed in that time. For this WOD all of the work is split equally and each partner must do their part before your partner can begin their half. For example partner A must do their 3 rope climbs before partner B does their 3 rope climbs. Same for the DUs, T2B, and HSPU. For the burpees you and your partner will both do a burpee while holding a rope, both chest to the ground at same time and jump at the same time.

Still room to sign up! You can do it

Hollister isn’t cool anymore?! 24 things that were cool in middle school but aren’t now

Here are some good examples of climbing up and down fast. Some really fast people start at the 5:56:49 mark….Cherie Chan is a mean commentator…


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