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Super lame


Super lame


Catch the bar not press the bar!

Tuesday 11/11/14
Split jerk foot work
Jerk receiving drill
Jerk balance
AMRAP 9 min:
50m Farmers carry (53/35)(each hand)
10 KB lunges (53/35)(each hand)
12 KB snatch (53/35)(6L/6R)

I want everyone to try and get out of their comfort zone and try something different the next couple weeks. Even if its something as simple as using a different squat rack. Its easy for us to get in the habit of always doing the same thing and just kind of go through the motions day in and day out. If you really want to improve your fitness you need to challenge yourself in other ways besides racing the clock. Fail some snatches, fail some back squats, fail some cleans, add a couple pounds to the bar. You will not improve unless you challenge all aspects of your fitness. 

Dont forget about our specialty classes. WE HAVE THEM FOR YOU TO GET EXTRA PRACTICE ON STUFF YOU NEED TO WORK ON. Gymnastics on Monday at 6:30pm. Weightlifting on Tues and Thurs at 6:00pm. Comp class on Saturdays at 10:00. Yoga at 10:30am. 

Sooooooooooo this is pretty lame……super regionals…...

5 training mistakes you need to avoid after 35

This may be included on our next cycle 


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