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Strength and technique pebbles


Strength and technique pebbles

CrossFit Danville crew at the 80s run in SF yesterday! Totally awesome dude

Tuesday 11/20/12

Movement prep: man/woman test. How many can you do???

Push press
6@70 6@75 6@80 4@85 3@90 6@75%
Against a 15min clock
Run 200m
4 rounds of cindy:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air squats
Run 200
3 rounds of cindy
Run 200
2 round of cindy
with remaining time complete max rounds of:
15 double unders
5 Handstand pushups

Strength vs. technique?

Teens turn to protein shakes to pump up 

This kid snatches better than 90% of the crossfit population

This kid can do more burpees in 10 min than 90% of the crossfit poplation

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