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Sign up for the fun


Sign up for the fun

Together everyone achieves more

Saturday 9/30/17

In a 20# vest
For time:
25 Thrusters (115/75)
50 Box jumps (24/20)
75 Deadlifts (115/75)
Run 1.5 miles
75 Deadlifts (115/75)
50 Box jumps (24/20)
25 THrusters (115/75)

General fitness

FOr time:
50 DB thrusters
50 Step ups
75 DB deadlifts
Run 1.5 miles
75 DB deadlifts
50 Step ups
50 DB thrusters
*30 min time cap

Anniversary WOD (subject to change based on how many people sing up. Or back out……………)
For time:
Waterfall style
20/15 Cal bike
20/15 Cal row
20 Bar facing burpees
20 Box jump overs
Then all together
800m deadmans carry (partner carry for those not carrying apparatus)
100m “worm” lunge
50 “worm” thrusters
then split however
50 Muscle ups
100 Power snatch (135/95)
500 Double unders
then waterfall style
20 Box jump overs
20 Bar facing burpees
20/15 Cal row
20/15 Cal bike

This is a worm in case you didn’t know

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