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Shoulder health and endurance


Shoulder health and endurance

How much ya bench bro

Thursday 1/23/20

30 second hang
20 reverse band aparts
10 snow angels
EMOM 15 min:
1 min: 10 Bench press
1 min: Max reps pushups
1 min: rest
*Pick a weight that is tough but wont make you fail to get 10 reps in a min
In teams of 3:
AMRAP 15 min:
Power clean and squat clean (95/65)
Partner a does 1 power clean and 1 squat clean. Then B then C. Then A does 2 power cleans and 2 squat cleans. Then B then C. 3/3-4/4-5/5 keep adding 1 rep as high as possible in 15 min

Danville 60

EMOM 15 min:
1 min: 10 Bench press
1 min: Max pushups
1 min: Rest
AMRAP 15 min:
DB power clean
DB squat clean

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