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Rock paper scissors shoot


Rock paper scissors shoot

Today we learned they no on can agree on when to throw on rock paper scissors. Rock paper scissors or rock paper scissors shoot?!?!?

Sunday 9/2/18

EMOM 10 min:
30 seconds max reps strict handstand pushups
30 seconds rest
AMRAP 20 min:
50 Double unders
5 Squat or power cleans (205/145)
5 Bar muscle ups or 10 chest to bar pullups

General fitness

EMOM 10 min:
30 seconds max reps DB press
30 seconds rest
AMRAP 20 min:
50 Plate jumps
10 DB squat cleans
10 Renegade rows

What can heat do for your health? 

Team series coming up. Anyone want to participate????

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