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Prancersice the night away


Prancersice the night away

Jessica gives awesome massages if you are ever feeling stiff or sore!

Jessica gives awesome massages if you are ever feeling stiff or sore!

Saturday 6/1/13
Hang snatch
For time:
30 GHD situps
15 Squat clean (155/105)
24 GHD situps
12 Squat clean (155/105)
18 GHD situps
9 Squat clean (155/105)
12 GHD situps
6 Squat clean (155/105)
6 GHD situps
3 Squat clean (155/105)

Ask coach: Since we have 1 GHD we will do regular situps instead of the GHD version

Behind China’s US pork deal 

Diet soda as bad as meth or crack for your teeth 

Ummmmm…I cant even think of something witty and sarcastic to write about this one…..just watch it….

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