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OMG post workout gainz! #sprinkles #donutsanddeadlifts #nofilter #flexibledieting #froningdoesitsoitscool #negativegainz

Friday 9/10/15

In teams of 2,3,4, or 5
For time:
1 mile sled drag
For time:
200 Double unders
150 Overhead walking lunges (45/25)
100 Toes to bar
50 Bumper plate burpees (45/25)

Remember the new strength cycle will start on Monday

 Make yourself a slave to good habits 

Why is CrossFit the only thing that motivates me to exercise? 

Calories in, calories out right????Totes…..If you havent been paying attention CrossFit has started against Coke and fast food. This video is their latest shoot at them. Thats great and everything, soda and fast food needs to go away buuuuuuuuut it makes us look a little hypocritical as a community when everyone and their mom posts pictures of all of the donuts they eat on a daily basis


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