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Open ready


Open ready

Thursday 1/24/19

EMOM 6 min:
10 Goblet squats
Front squats
*Increase over each set
For total burpees
Every 3 minx5
24 Alt arm DB snatch (50/35)
Max reps Burpee box jumps (30/24)

Danville 60

EMOM 6 min:
10 Goblet squats
Front squats
AMRAP 15 min
10 Alt arm DB snatch
10 Burpees

The open is coming up at the end of Feb. Who is signing up? Word on the street is that there will be no open announcements with athletes doing the workout like they have for the last 8 years. Thoughts?

Team competition will be interesting with the addition of the super super teams

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