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Old school


Old school

The A team is so in sync with each other that they snatch simultaneously

The A team is so in sync with each other that they snatch simultaneously. Basically the same as Maddox and Khalipa

Wednesday 3/13/13
5 sets
3 position clean @65% of max clean
Establish a max in 15 min for the following complex
1 full clean+1 hang squat clean+2 split jerks
for time:
15 Thrusters (135/95)
25 Burpees
10 Thrusters (135/95)
20 burpees
5 Thrusters (135/95)
15 Burpees
*12 min time limit

The top 20 fittest bodies in crossfit

What the #@%! just happened

The all mighty “redo”. FYI im the guy hes talking about “mind f***ing themselves into a stupor

 I have posted this before but I thought it would be cool for some of the newer people to check out. This is one of the workouts from the first CF games where all you had to do is show up to get in. Give you a greater appreciation for how fast and how far the games have grown in 6 short years

2 Responses

  1. Hunter

    First timer on the site here and I am deaf in both ears. Noob Question: Why were they trying to cook that baby in the video?

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