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Need a lacrosse ball????


Need a lacrosse ball????

Want stronger hips, back and abs????

Wednesday 6/7/17

Reverse tabata pushups
10 seconds on 20 seconds off
*during the 20 seconds “rest” you must hold the top of a pushup
5 rounds
8 Bench press
24 Straight leg abmat situps or GHD situps
*alternate back and forth for 5 sets. Try to add each round on bench
AMRAP 12 min:
10 Alternating step ups (53/35)(each hand)(20″)
20 KB snatch (53/35)
40 Double unders

Genereal fitness

Reverse tabata pushups
5 rounds
12 DB bench press
24 straight leg situps
AMRAP 12 min:
20 Step ups
20 DB snatch
40 Double unders

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Cool high res pictures from regionals 

Farmers carries are really fun with 150# KBs……

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