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Most brutal WOD?


Most brutal WOD?

CF Danville....home of the coolest toilet paper holder in the world!

CF Danville….home of the coolest toilet paper holder in the world!

Wednesday 4/24/13

5×3 Banded deadlifts (185/115)
3×10 Partner assisted glute ham raise
In as few sets as possible complete:
100 KB swings (70/53)
75 Thrusters (95/65)

Ask coach: For the glute ham raises you will need to work in teams of 3. For part 2 the goal is to finish in as few sets as possible. It is not timeed but rest will be 1 min between sets. As soon as you finish a set of an exercise you must move on to the next

Remember if you want to get one of the “team Dusty” shirts you have to sign up by tomorrow at noon. No extras will be bought so if you want one SIGN UP! CLICK THE LINK TO THE LEFT THAT IS IN ORANGE

Mens fitness picks the 6 most brutal CrossFit WODs. I would have to disagree, what would you choose???

Develop the squat or play kickball

Dont know what country this is from or what their saying but the music makes this awesome!

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