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Masters are buffer than you


Masters are buffer than you


Good luck to Sarah who qualified for the online masters regional that starts today!

Thursday 4/23/15
15 V-ups
15 miniband goblet  squats
Front squat
5@60 5@70 5@75 5@75%
For time:
120 KB swings (53/35)
*Every min on the min perform 1 thruster (95/65). Add 1 thruster every min until you are done. For example, at go you do 1 thruster then max KB swings for the rest of the min. Once the next min rolls by stop and perform 2 thrusters then max KB swings. So on and so on until
*20 min limit

Burpee penalty at the gym: smart tool or stupidity? 

23 years later 

Good luck to all the bad ass masters out there this weekend. I hope to be able to push that hard when I hit masters age

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