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Let the PRs roll


Let the PRs roll


Can you beat this guy?

Monday 1/5/14

Back squat
Establish a 1RM
*Spotter is mandatory past 90%
3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
21 KB swings (53/35)
12 Pulllups

5 CrossFit myths: fact vs. fiction

The benefits of being cold 

WOD #2 for battle for bragging rights

AMRAP 7 min:
12 Pullups
9 Box jumps
6 Deadlifts (225/155)RX (185/115) scaled
Partner A Completes all 12-9-6.Then B completes all 12-9-6. While 1 partner is completing the pullups and box jumps the other must hold the top of the deadlift. Partner cannot work on the 12 or 9 if partner is not standing with the bar. Total # of round and reps complete is score

For the kids 

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