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Kipping bicep curls


Kipping bicep curls

Look like an arrow not the letter T

Friday 1/3/19
10 min:
Max reps pushups
*Every time you break push-up position complete 10 ring rows or 5 strict pullups
In teams of 2:
10 rounds for time:
20/15 Cal row or 15/10 Cal assault/echo bike
1 round DB DT (50/35) DT=12 deadlift 9 hang power clean 6 push press
*Partner A does the calories while B does DT. Once both partners are done you switch and B does calories while A does DT. Do that 10 times

Danville 60
10 min:
Max reps pushups
*Every time you break pushup position complete 10 ring rows
In teams of 2:
10 rounds
40/30 Cal row
24 DB deadlifts
18 DB hang power cleans
12 DB push press

Dan Bailey with some glam Friday action

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