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It hurts my thumb!!!


It hurts my thumb!!!

photo (16)

Step ups while rocking a baby. That takes talent!

Thursday 7/17/14

Spend 10 min working on a skill you need to practice:
Handstand, hspu, rope climb, muscle ups, kipping, double unders, rowing, pistols, dips, wallballs….
Every min on the min for 12 min:
1 min: 5 strict chest to bar pullups
1 min: 6 KB wind mill (3 each arm)
4 rounds:
AMRAP 3 min:
3 Power cleans (165/110)
6 Pushups
9 Air squats
Rest 1 min

For all of you running the Hog WOD this weekend, check out this map of the course and see if you can guess the events at each station. FYI you will be happy(or unhappy) to know that due to the drought the pushups and lunges in the fountain cannot be performed :(. Also FYI, we will be running a normal schedule at CFD this Sat for those of you that will not be at the Hog WOD for all the fun. 

Trouble with the hook grip. AKA suck it up

The case for high intensity workouts 


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