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Interesting statistics…..


Interesting statistics…..

Team CFD represented hardcore today. There were about 10 more people that didnt make the picture. CFD best gym in Danville!

Team CFD represented hardcore today. There were about 10 more people that didnt make the picture. CFD best gym in Danville!

Sunday 6/23/13
Take 10 min to establish a 1rm shoulder press
perform 1 set of max reps pullups
Deadlift (225/155)
Handstand pushups

Awesome job by CFD all around! As usual we DOMINATED the cheering section, I would say we made up 75% of the people in the gym. All of our teams performed awesomely! Arnold and Danielle kicked some ass as expected and Danielle gets an extra fist bump for filling in last minute even know there were wallballs….Joe and Mira were steadily awesome all day especially getting thrown into the final wod with 10 seconds notice. Naomi was dominant in every WOD and I was lucky she let me be her partner. Joe and I are super proud of everybody, great job guys!

Here is the point breakdown for todays comp………

Sleep deprivation and health 

We are all screwed! Thats 341 pounds hes doing multiple thrusters with!

Respect the muscle up

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