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In memory


In memory


Sorry for your loss Anthony and Brittney. Hope you enjoy the wod in her memory 

Friday 10/3/14

3 rounds:
30′ seal walk
10 seated wall slides
10 narrow grip overehad squat
3 rounds:
200ft suitcase farmers walk (135/95)(100l/100r)
10 Good morning
10 Single arm KB OHS(5l/5r)
In teams of 2:
AMRAP 20 min:
2 rope climb
30 KB swings (70/53)
40 Pullups

Wristband that shocks you for facebooking or skipping workouts 

The biggest loser: The most damaging show on tv?

Sweet video of last weekend! Thanks Julie and Alfred for doing it!!! Sooo many no reps….

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