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I think im dying….


I think im dying….


Alfred and Chloe rocked it in the scaled division over the weekend!

Thursday 1/2/13
In teams of 2-4, max calorie row in 6 min
Establish a max for the following:
3 Position clean (floor, knee, thigh)
1 Jerk
For time:
15 Thrusters (135/95)
20 Burpee bar hop
12 Thrusters (135/95)
20 Burpee bar hop
9 Thrusters (135/95)
20 Burpee bar hop
*20 min time limit

FYI I will be out all day tomorrow with some sort of horrible flu that sucks ass. Joe will be teaching all classes

How fast are the CrossFit games growing? 

Im glad there starting to do these again more oftern

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