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I just wanna get toned….


I just wanna get toned….

photo (17)

Do you suck a pushups? Do your elbows flare out and head butt the ground? Ask about the new toy we just got

Friday 7/25/14
3 rounds:
10 Perfect pushups(SLING SHOT!!!)
10 KB taters
10 Good mornings
Establish a 3RM Front squat
In teams of 3:
For time:
50 Power cleans (185/115)
50 Muscle ups
100 Handstand pushups
*20 min time limit

Amen sista! 15 things girls who lift are tired of hearing 

The front squat vs. the back squat

If you are interested in CrossFit day at the A’s game on the 7th please let us know ASAP! We have to block off seats so we can all hang together!

Some inspiration for all you masters out there….or just everybody. These people are bad ass and they have a faster Fran time than you do

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