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10313595_799586916718835_756419377499690152_nThe hardest working guy at regionals. Thanks Brian!

Tuesday 6/3/14

3 rounds:
28′ seal walk
15 V-ups
10 Ring row
Every min on the min for 12 min:
3 Power clean
*Work up to a 3RM
5 rounds for time:
5 Squat clean to thruster (135/95)
10 Chest to bar pullups

23 things that happen when you start getting in shape

I know this ship has already sailed but here is that article that everyone lost their minds over. Why I dont crossfit. Also a pretty good rebuttle, I dont care if you dont crossfit. 

This is the girl that “doesn’t do CrossFit” and has “never done a deadlift”. What excellent body control and clean technique, she must be an amazing collegiate athlete……

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