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Happy birthday Britt and Liz


Happy birthday Britt and Liz



Happy 21st birthday to Britt and belated birthday to Liz!!!

Friday 4/25/14
Old school warm up
In teams of 2:
Run 800m
3 rounds:
21 Burpee toes to bar
21 Power snatch (95/65)
2 rounds:
21 Double KB clean and jerk (53/35)
21 Power snatch (115/75)
1 round
21 Overhead lunges (135/95)
21 Power snatch (135/95)
then Run 800m
*40 min limit

12 surprising foods with more sugar than a Krispy Kreme 

Do genetics determine our motivation to be fit 

This is the first snatch metcon I have written in a long time. PLEASE so not make me regret it. Heres an example 

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