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Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!

Happy birthday JJ! I hope your birthday is a HUGE blast!

Monday 9/30/19
EMOM 10 min:
30 seconds max reps chest to bar pullups
*15 max per minute. Pick a number you think you can maintain for at least the first 5 minutes
For time:
Sit ups
Double unders
*After each round, except the last, complete 25 wallballs and a 400m run

Danville 60
EMOM 10 min:
30 seconds ring rows
Lateral jumps over abmat
*After each round, except the last, complete 25 wallballs and a 400m run

CJ is out of town tonight for work so gymnastics is cancelled. Back to normal next week

Barbells for boobs is this Saturday! Not to late to sign up. I’m still looking for a partner…..CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP OR YOU CAN DO IT AT THE GYM!

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