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Good job Margie!


Good job Margie!


Congrats to Margie for finishing her first every half marathon today!

Sunday 8/16/14
In teams of 2/3/4
AMRAP 20 min:
Sled pull around parking lot (180/135)
EMOM 10 min:
10 Thrusters (95/65)
Rest 2 min
EMOM 10 min:
10 Handstand pushups

Day 2 of MOxie Madness is tomorrow (Sunday), we had a pretty good day 1 and we’re looking forward to the workouts tomorrow. If you are interested in judging please let me know, they are short on judges and need help. If you have time please come out and show why CFD is too legit to quit. Here are tomorrows WODs and heat times, check it out! 

CrossFits reigning king

Year zero: entering the arena 

This is very fast. BUT i’d really like to see him post a video of him doing Helen

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