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Good job guys!!!


Good job guys!!!

Great job to Alan and Marilyn on a HOT weekend! Way to put yourself out there and throwdown with the rest of NorCal!

Monday 7/1/19

EMOM 10 min:
10 Russian KB swing + 5 Goblet squat
In teams of 3:
EMOM 30 min:
1 min: 20/15 Cal row or 15/10 Cal bike
1 min: 7 Front squats (205/145)
1 min: Rest

Danville 60

EMOM 10 min:
10 Russian KB swing + 5 goblet squat

EMOM 30 min:
1 min: Max burpees
1 min: Max DB front squats
1 min: Rest

Inside the brain of a sports fan

Anniversary party is July 13th! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR THE WORKOUT. Draft is this weekend!

Pay the man

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